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When you’re a plus-size woman, there are often extra dimensions to discussions about birth control: like the fact that we often have really negative experiences in our everyday lives because of fatphobia and the fact that we can’t rely on every medication to work equally well for us if we’re above a certain weight. 

I spoke to three plus-size women—Sarah, Liz, and Monica—and asked them to be as honest as possible about their experiences with birth control, including what has worked for them and what hasn’t. They talked about the stuff that surrounds the birth control convo that we almost never hear about. Here’s what they had to say: 

(Responses are lightly edited for clarity.) 


“As someone who engages in casual sex regularly, a birth control method I love is important to me.” 

“As someone who engages in casual sex regularly, having a birth control method I love is important to me. I knew taking the pill would never work because I would forget to take it regularly. User error would for sure happen and ya girl has no desire for a pregnancy. I initially tried the copper IUD because I was anxious about introducing hormones into my body, especially as someone living with depression. That IUD did not stay put and came with more cramps and bleeding. 

Now I have the Mirena. I absolutely LOVE not having my period. I love that I can’t feel it, my partners cannot feel it, I don’t have to remember to do anything, etc. As a fat woman, my birth control liberates me. I can participate in pleasure without worry. Through pleasure I have learned to love and cherish my body which is a beautiful act of defiance and self-love as a fat woman of color.” 

—Sarah, 25, Boise, ID 


“I have high blood pressure, so I am unable to use many of the hormonal birth control options unless they are progestin only like the mini-pill or non-hormonal like the copper IUD.” 

“I am 26, a size 26/24, and have been with my partner for almost eight years. Most of that time I used the Nexplanon implant. I had two in a row that I was really happy with for the most part. The Nexplanon stopped my periods altogether, which was great in many ways, but also led me to having feelings of anxiety that if my birth control failed for any reason I wouldn’t know that I was pregnant. I was worried I wouldn’t know because my fat body wouldn’t show signs of pregnancy as soon as smaller/straight-size women, and I would miss my window to make an informed decision about whether I wanted to keep the pregnancy. 

I have high blood pressure, so I am unable to use many of the hormonal birth control options unless they are progestin only like the mini-pill or non-hormonal like the copper IUD.” 

—Liz, 26, Tustin, CA 


“I appreciate the bliss of not having to remember to take the pill, refill a prescription, and travel with it in tow at all times.” 

“My favorite birth control method is definitely the Mirena. It takes one appointment with your gyno for insertion, and you’re set for up to five* years! That is important to me because I’ve never been able to take the pill consistently enough for it to be effective. I got pregnant in high school while taking the pill and now with one kid, I absolutely need birth control that’s less dependent on my memory. 

I have considered other options like the NuvaRing and the kind that gets implanted into your arm, but overall the Mirena is the best choice for my lifestyle and who I am. I appreciate the bliss of not having to remember to take the pill, refill a prescription, and travel with it in tow at all times. Having birth control as a plus-size woman is super important, just as it is to any other sexually active person who doesn’t wish to get pregnant!” 

(*Note: The Mirena and LILETTA are both FDA-approved for up to five years, but they’ve been found to be effective for up to seven years.) 

—Monica, 27, Omaha, NE 


Finding the right birth control for you is about making intentional choices about a super important part of our lives, but as these women showed me, it’s also about prioritizing self-care, pleasure, mental health, and freedom—no matter what size you are. 

The Right Time health centers can help you can find a method that works for you, no matter what size you are. The Right Time health centers provide same-day access to all methods of birth control and all methods are free or low-cost to those who need them.

Updated November 2019

Virgie Tovar
Author Bio
Virgie Tovar started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeight and is the author of You Have the Right to Remain Fat (August 2018). In 2018 she was named as one of the top 50 most influential feminists by Bitch Magazine. She holds a master’s degree in Sexuality Studies with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender, and has been featured by the New York Times, Tech Insider, BBC, MTV, Al Jazeera, and NPR.
“As someone who engages in casual sex regularly, a birth control method I love is important to me.”
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