Maesha, 25, from Missouri describes how The Right Time health centers offer friendly, same-day services and birth control.


I really didn't know much of what to

expect I was going really to find out

more information and I was shocked to

learn that you could really get same-day

services I actually chose to delay so

that I could do a bit more research

after the conversation I had with my

practitioners which was informative and

on the day that my appointment was

scheduled for contraception I actually

changed my mind

and that was encouraged as well so I had

a really wonderful experience the the

nuts and bolts of the actual procedure

were seamless the care that I received

in terms of bedside manner it was also

just really it was friendly it was it

was I didn't feel like I was talking to

strangers or like I was working with

people who thought XYZ about me I did

feel very well supported I felt that any

option that I chose was available to me

and accessible I felt that I could do

whatever it was that I chose to do and

again at each at each stage so I came in

with one thing in mind I was considering

an IUD and after having a few

conversations about my other personal

practices it wasn't quite in a line in

alignment with that choice and so I made

a different choice and that was really



I was extremely anxious about seeking

out honestly any type of healthcare

under this current system because I have

no idea whether or not even if at face

value I'm presented with something I

have no idea what the bill is actually

going to result in if if they had laid

out a plan for me that was costly I

would be moving on to you know another

solution so the fact that I mean it just

made it accessible point-blank I

wouldn't have been able to receive these




