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As you may know, the providers at your nearest The Right Time health center are there to provide patients with confidential, medically accurate and unbiased care. The Right Time providers are patient-focused and able to help you sort through your birth control options. They also help you with a wide range of topics related to sexual health. If you’re not sure what to ask a provider during an appointment, here are a few sample questions that can help you start a conversation about how birth control and other topics.

Questions about birth control

Questions about your menstrual cycle

Questions about STIs

Questions about prevention and care

  • What tests and screenings do I need each year? How often should I get a Pap smear?
  • Should I get the HPV vaccine?
  • How do I prevent yeast infections and UTIs? What do I do if I get one of them?
  • How do I perform a breast self-exam? When should I get my first mammogram?

Questions about sexual issues

Updated July 2021

Did you know providers can help you with a wide range of topics related to sexual health?
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