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Guy Nottadadi knows you don’t know squat about birth control. It’s okay, though. He wants to help.

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“Poof. It's like magic. Well I don't like magic. It's weird.”
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Listen we're all men here, right?

Let's stop playing games, I ain't your nanny.

Let's face it, most guys don't know jack squat about how birth control works.

You're making sweet, sweet love and there's no babies to show for it. Poof.

It's like magic.

Well I don't like magic.

It's weird.

Think about it. Would you drive a car without knowing where the gas peddle is? Would you watch a football game

without knowing who the underdog was? Would you attempt to forge a slab

of steal to copper rings without having the proper welding gear? No.

Get this.

One of five guys think that standing up while having sex is a viable method of contraception.

One in four guys believe that a woman douching after sex can prevent pregnancy.

While one in two guys think it's pretty awesome that I just said douching with a

straight face. And 78

percent of guys admit that they don't know

anything about the pill.

Women, love a well informed man. And the better informed you are about the methods of birth control,

the better she'll be about keeping you baby free.

So, I'm gonna lay this out there once and for all.