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The Right Time initiative recognizes there are many factors that can make it difficult for a person to get the birth control of their choice. For some, the cost of birth control can be prohibitive. For others, the nearest health center is a distance from their home or workplace. Still others may be squeezed for time because of work or school. 

It’s also true that Black folks continue to face additional barriers to receiving quality health care due to the history of institutional racism in our country. This racism “disempower[s] and devalue[s] members of racial and ethnic minority groups, resulting in inequitable access to health care.”

Obviously, this needs to change. The Right Time initiative and our health center partners are working towards a more equitable future by providing free or low-cost birth control to all those who need it, by offering appointments through telehealth and health centers across Missouri, and by offering  patient-centered care. Patients can trust that during their appointments with a provider at their nearest The Right Time health center, their needs, concerns, and preferences will be respected.

If you’re interested in receiving free or low-cost access to all the methods of birth control this month (or any month, really!), make an appointment to talk to a provider at your nearest The Right Time health center.

Hannah Anderson
We will earn our patients' trust through patient-centered care.
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