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Kristen Metcalf-Wilson, of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, explains it's all in how The Right Time providers address the individual needs of the patients.


What are they doing to help make contraceptive care more effective and easier to get?
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well not just delivering good quality family planning and would be a reason but because we can remove some of those barriers for your access. so finance is a consideration for many clients transportation accessibility of appointments so you have a clinic that has the availability of an encounter or visit when you're available to go and warm friendly and vital non-judgmental environments with your clinic where everyone in the clinic has a basic understanding of family planning. I think with the approach that we're taking with is the hands-on consultants going to visit the centers and discussing the individual needs of those centers are really going to help improve the quality of family planning that's provided because we're gonna help them better understand what the needs are of their area and how to remove barriers for patients by finding out what their barriers are to delivering the care because many times it's not just about a knowledge base of a provider, they may have a lot of knowledge about it but actually delivering a specific service, like IUDs or Nexplanon, it's not something that has been facilitated in in their clinic same-day access takes more than just the provider to know about it to facilitate that service so I think we have an opportunity here to really improve that so because the providers themselves are using those methods and they trust those methods they are more positive about discussing it with their patients I think it went up 5 20 percent and OBGYNs just in the past five years so that I think that's one reason but I also think because of the changes in how people access in afford health care it became available to them because we have title 10 clinics where on a sliding scale they can now afford something that was completely out of their grasp before because it's not the pennies on the day that you save for choosing an IUD over paying for a pill right it's not the pennies on the day it's the upfront cost and people had to save that in order to get it insurance companies are covering it now without question that's that's excellent making sure that we have it available for people that don't have insurance or can't pay huge difference to change the way we approach contraception is important giving people agency or control over whether they become a parent or not is important so if if they're not going to look at it in that direction then we need to be having the conversation that's going to help them think that they could even possibly control it many people don't that the approach to contraception or planning a family is not a part of how they were brought up and so asking people if they want to have a goal can reek can just change the whole conversation not about what a woman's gonna do if she has a pregnancy but how can we assist people in planning those things and make it worth planning right make it worth planning and not and everybody not just heterosexual females,